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University of Chicago
AB, Philosophy.
-- Senior thesis:
The Solipsism of Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
-- Graduated Cum Laude
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
MS, Library Science.
-- Concentration in programming and information systems.
-- Perl
Of the languages that I program in, I am strongest in Perl, using it as my primary tool for developing dynamic and interactive web sites. I also use it to connect to MySQL through the DBD/DBI Perl database interface module.
-- PHP
Many of the products that I am now working with, such as OCLC's ContentDM, either are programmed in or make heavy use of PHP.
-- MySQL
I use MySQL almost exclusively as a back end database. I do not use phpMyAdmin as an interface, preferring instead to use the CLI.
-- Microsoft Office
I am proficient in all aspects of the Office suite. I generally highlight my experience with Access because I have used it as a back end database for small database applications, using ActiveState Perl and connecting to it through Win32::ODBC. I am also quite familiar with the whole Office Suite of tools.
I have been developing web pages since 1993. I use text editors to write my HTML code, but I have experience using Frontpage and Dreamweaver. Since I have learned to use cascading style sheets, I almost always only use text editors such as Boxer's Text Editor or Notepad++.
-- Wordpress and Mediawiki
I am very familiar with the Wordpress ( and Mediawiki software, both of which I have used as needed to create more collaborative sites. Both are, of course, written in PHP.
I use XML record structures frequently; I have begun to use JSON record structures as more and more sites switch to the format.
-- ContentDM
Another PHP system that I am quite familiar with is OCLC's ContentDM image management software. One of my primary responsibilities is to manage the Illinois State Library's ContentDM software installation, the Illinois Digital Archives.
-- dSpace
I have recently started working with dSpace as a tool to consolidate all of the Illinois State Library's many disparate digital initiatives into one data access point.
-- XTF
I have developed a search engine for permanently deposited Illinois State Documents using the eXtensible Text Framework from the California Digital Library. XTF uses Apache's SOLR with XSLT style sheets as a front end. The system runs on a Tomcat Web Application Server application.
-- Linux, *nix
Of necessity, I am a systems administrator, managing the 5 Redhat Linux servers that house all of the Illinois State Library's digital initiatives. Before that, I managed Sun Servers (running SunOS 6-9) and BSD *nix servers at North Suburban Library System.
Personal Interests
Living in Pullman 
The PCO web site, which I developed as a Wordpress Blog.
We first moved to the Pullman neighborhood in Chicago in December, 1998. I was immediately drawn to its rich history and very strong sense of community. Little did I realize how involved I would become. In addition to the trials and experiences involved in restoring a poorly maintained 1881 house, I helped create the Pullman House History Project and move the archives of the Pullman State Historic Site online. By moving the collection online, we created an atmosphere where other collectors felt comfortable donating their collections and images to the State site. I have also been a part of the local civic organization, the Pullman Civic Organization, occupying different leadership positions within the organization and volunteering for many civic events.
Morris Dancing 
The Pullman Morris and Sword web presence.
Morris dance is a form of English folk dance usually accompanied by music. It is based on rhythmic stepping and the execution of choreographed figures by a group of dancers. Implements such as sticks, swords, handkerchiefs and bells may also be wielded by the dancers. from the Wikipedia article on Morris dancing .
I first encountered Morris dancing as an incoming first year student at the University of Chicago in 1981. I became intrigued with it, and have been an active dancer for more than 30 years.
Recently, I lead a team that organized the XXXV Midwest Morris Ale, a nationwide convention of Morris Dancers. This convention was the largest urban Ale ever, and we accommodated, housed, and fed 260 dancers for 3 days over Memorial Day weekend, May, 2015.
The 2015 Midwest Morris Ale
Online Publishing 
The American Morris Newsletter web presence.
From 2002 to 2008, I was the executive editor of the American Morris Newsletter, a publication (ISSN: 1074-2689) devoted to Morris dancing in America. The publication is currently on hiatus; however, during my editorship, we made the transition from print to an online journal. I also digitized all of the back issues and placed them online as PDFs.
In addition to writing many articles myself, I edited all of the articles that appeared. I also reformatted and in some instances edited submissions to work in an online environment.
The Morris Ring web presence.

I have recently joined the Morris Ring in England as co-editor of their web site, which is a Drupal install, and also as co-editor of their scholarly publication The Morris Dancer.
From 1991 to 1994, I was part of Le Cran Cran, a group that performed traditional music from the Occitane region in France. We produced two albums, both of which are available online:

The NearReal Artists' Cooperative 
I am one of the founders and members of a local artists' cooperative, the NearReal group. We hold a yearly exhibition. Our group explores speculative art subjects through a wide variety of media.
IMDb Entry
Current Portfolio
Illinois Digital Archives 
The Illinois Digital Archives (IDA) was developed to provide access to primary source materials in Illinois libraries, archives, museums, historical societies and other cultural institutions. IDA was unveiled in November 2000 as part of the Illinois State Library's Digital Imaging Program. It was designed to be a searchable repository for the Illinois State Library's digital collections as well as those of other libraries and cultural institutions in Illinois.
IDA consists of over 360,000 digital items in more than 150 collections contributed by 87 institutions. The backend image management system is OCLC's ContentDM software. I have rebuilt most of the user interface screens (PHP) to utilize OCLC's API tools.

Electronic Documents of Illinois 
Electronic Documents of Illinois (EDI) is designed to collect and catalog Illinois state government publications and provide permanent public access to them. Since most state government documents are now born digital, I developed, in conjunction with the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, a system that accepts digital objects created by state organizational entities.
All digital objects deposited with EDI are associated with user-created metadata for long-term management and user retrieval. EDI employs metadata derivative of the State GILS metadata set.

XTF/search engine for EDI 
Using the eXtensible Text Framework (XTF) software developed by the California Digital Library, I have developed a search engine for the more than 100,000 deposited documents in the EDI repository.
XTF uses SOLR as an indexing tool, and XSLT to build user interface screens.

Illinois Center for the Book 
The Illinois Center for the Book is part of a national project, sponsored by the Library of Congress, to promote local authors and encourage writing. The ICFTB site consists of a web presence that describes the many programs and awards available to Illinois writers and readers ( as well as the Illinois Authors Database (
The Illinois Authors Database is a mediawiki Wiki installation, with some PHP code created to facilitate site management and create custom menus.

The Pullman State Historic Site 
The Pullman State Historic Site's web presence consists of two main parts. The House History Project has information about the inhabitants of the Chicago neighborhood of Pullman, between 1880 and 1940. Primary source materials include city directories, phone books, and U.S. censuses. The Online Archives Collection provides a cohesive mechanism for the interpretation of the Pullman story as well as a gallery of digitized images of Pullman images and artifacts.
The site was built using Perl programs to access MySQL tables and XML records, which are then dynamically rendered.

Using CONTENTdm's APIs
CONTENTdm has a number of useful APIs for directly accessing information contained in its indexes and files. This site is a
cookbook, a collection of PHP programs intended as a practical reference guide to using many of CONTENTdm's API utilities.
The cookbook of methods | Github site with example code

Illinois' World War One Commission
I am currently the manager of the web presence for the Commission as well as its Facebook presence.

Music of the First World War
In cooperation with the Pritzker Military Museum and Library, I have been working on digitizing and optically musically recognize their collection of World War One sheet music.
The component files are held as a CONTENTdm collection on the Illinois Digitial Archives web presence.
Research & Experiments
Scoping DPLA to Illinois 
I am experimenting with the vast DPLA API program suite; this is a Perl program that uses sourceResource.spatial.state=Illinois to scope DPLA records for Illinois records. I have also modified this to find records for individual Illinois communities.

Using CONTENTdm's APIs for a Different UX
Using CONTENTdm's API suite, I have developed a series of Perl programs that experiment with different UX for CONTENTdm collections. Most of these experiments adopt CSS and JS files from the Codrops site.
- A Pinterest-like interface
- A ViewMaster-like interface
- A "scattering of photos" interface
- Full record display

Converting CONTENTdm data to Linked Data
I converted the Springfield Aviation Collection in our CONTENTdm instance to an RDF file and indexed into a NoSQL database. I then wrote a Perl program that uses SPARQL to search the S/P/O triples.
The simple HTML search interface can be found here:
Previous Projects
Every Library in Illinois 
Every Library in Illinois, a set of Perl programs that interfaced with a series of MySQL tables, supplied access to directory and statistical information concerning Illinois libraries collected by the Illinois State Library.
Illinois Government Information 
This was the primary search engine and spider for Illinois state and local government Internet-based information. I helped develop the software, working with a vendor. This service has subsequently moved to a Swish-E based platform.
The Virtual Illinois Catalog 
VIC was a Z39.50-based portal, which used OCLC's WebZ software, allowing users to search across Illinois libraries with one federated search. I developed this service. We now use a custom portal to OCLC's Worldcat, known as SILC:
NorthStarNet Community Information Network 
(July 1995-August 1999) I created the technological and menu structures to support NorthStarNet (NSN), a four county community information network. In addition, I set up the server backend and acted as the system administrator for the project. Because of the complexity of the NorthStarNet Community Information system and the lack of page design skills on the part of the community information providers, I created a automatic page generator and an automatic forms generator to help them overcome the hurdles of site creation.
Digitization Software at NSLS 
(July 1997-August 1999) I created this service as a search engine/cataloging system/DBMS of local history images for the 15 participating communities. In addition, I set up the server backend and acted as the system administrator for the project. I also created a Visual Basic metadata cataloging utility for the participants.
NSLS Internet Access 
(December 1993-August 1999) I established Internet service for North Suburban Library System (NSLS) member libraries by working with an Internet Service Provider to establish an NSLS-based Point of Presence (POP), which eventually handled the Internet services of 12 56KBps, 14 28.8 leased line, and 150 PPP 28.8 dial-up accounts. I created the first NSLS WWW site ( in October, 1994; I created the NSLS Gopher (gopher:// in September, 1994; I created, populated, and maintained the NSLS FTP site ( I created a text-based menu system to allow users who did not have a graphical WWW browser to access information about NSLS and other library-related matters (telnet://